Sunday, September 25, 2011


Despite being a full time student over here, classes certainly do not take up the majority of my time! However I am enjoying the courses. For the first half of the semester I am taking:

1. Socioeconomics & politics of China: taught by Professor David Zweig, empirical political scientist. Jewish Canadian transplant to China in the 1970s as a leftist student studying at Peking University. Conducted primary research throughout the Chinese countryside for his PhD, becoming fluent in Mandarin. This class is extremely enjoyable as we are learning so much about the history of China and how it came to be where it is today. Rather unusual that this class was offered to MBAs, but I am certainly glad it was! Requirements include a group presentation and a 15 page research paper.

2. Doing Business in China from an Operator's Perspective: taught by Cassian Cheung, former president of WalMart in China. Have discussed a wide range of issues that companies face when operating in or entering the China market. Case studies have included the failed Danone / Wahaha joint venture, the melamine tainted Sanlu milk case, the norm of kickbacks within China's pharmaceutical industry, the struggles (& failures) of Dell & Google in China and Wal Mart's strategy in China. We've learned the importance of "guanxi" and "face" in Chinese business, as well as many other differences between Western and Chinese norms. Papers due weekly.

3. Project Finance: taught by Spanish ex-pat Jaime Azcoiti, who is in the Risk Management group at Spanish bank BBVA. Learning about how to finance major infrastructure projects, energy plants, etc. Assignments include a group case study and a final exam.

4. Challenges of Startups: class starts next Saturday (only 1/2 credit, not full).

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